The Trick To Getting Rid Of Acid Reflux (GERD) for Good

Acid reflux is awful. It impacts millions of people each day. That burning feeling can keep you up at night in pain. Even worse, some people have it bad enough to cause your stomach acid to come up the throat and cause burns, or even go into your lungs making it hard to breathe. If it gets bad enough sufferers may even need surgery to help fix the problem. Acid reflux can also

There are lots of promises and solutions. Some work better than others. You find a host of medications, like Prilosec and antacids, such as Tums and Rolaids. However, these medications are just a temporary fix. The acid reflux usually comes back when the medicine wears off. Further, your body can get used to the medications. They often have many bad side effects.

We are going to give you the secret to getting rid of acid reflux for good. Please check with your doctor before following our program.

The most important thing you can do is lose weight. Having extra belly fat puts more pressure on the stomach valve that normally keeps acid where it belongs. Another thing that can really help and also lead to natural weight loss is to eat just one meal a day (OMAD diet). This is very powerful, since it gives your stomach a lot of time to rest. If you just do this, it can have a profound effect your acid reflux. If possible, eating your one meal earlier in the day, is even better, since nighttime is when GERD tends to be the worse.

If you follow our plan, you will never have to worry about acid reflux again or need to take any medications for it. Start by eating one meal a day. You should see immediate results. In addition, it will lead to weight loss which will improve things even further. It takes some will power and lifestyle changes, but it truly works and can end needless acid reflux suffering.

The Trick To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Without Even Trying

Many people want to lose weight. It might be for health reasons, or just to look better. Sadly, almost everyone fails on a diet. You lose weight only to gain it all back, and maybe even weigh more that when you started.

We are going to reveal a secret trick to losing weight and keeping it off for good. Even better, you will be able to eat all your favorite foods whenever you want. Sound too good to be true? There is one catch. You must not eating during certain times of the day and week. This diet works because you can always look forward to a great meal each day. You won’t feel deprived or the need to “cheat” with this program. It truthfully will not even feel like a diet.

Before we go into the details of the diet, be sure to check with your doctor before beginning this or any other weight loss program.

In a nutshell, you only lose weight if you consume less calories than you burn. Some people think they can just do some jogging to lose weight. However, while exercise is important for good health, the average person will only burn about 300 calories after a half hour of jogging, which might cover the calories of a single bagel. Exercise alone is not the solution.

You need to have a plan were you stay under a set amount of calories per day. However, you can save your calories and combine them into one very satisfying meal. It is best to not even snack during the day, since one thing can lead to another and before you know it you are over your calorie limit to lose weight and might even gain weight. There are many online calorie calculators that can tell you the specific amount you need to eat to reach your weight goal. For most people, it will be difficult to do if you spread the meals out, so focus on one good meal per day. The best part is that you can eat anything you want as long as the calories are under your target.

In some cases, even one big meal can put you over your calorie limit. For that situation, you need to eat extra light the day before you plan on eating a high calorie meal, or eat very light the next day. You can also just look at calories you need for the entire week. For example, if you want to weight 165 pounds and don’t exercise much, you can eat around 1900 calories per day just to maintain a weight of 165 pounds. If you need to lose weight, the amount should be under 1400, or even less for faster weight loss. 1400 calories per day is tough (under 500 calories per meal). The key is to make it one good meal and count calories. If you plan on eating a big meal that is perhaps 2,000 calories, cut back the next day to make up for the extra calories.

Be sure to drink lots of water, since skipping meals means you won’t be getting as much fluid from food. About 1/2 ounce of water per pound is suggested. As an example, if you weight 200 pounds, you should drink 100 ounces of water per day, which is around 12 cups. Most people don’t get enough water. This causes them to have low energy, so they eat more food (and gain weight) when in reality they just needed more water. If you feel hungry, drink water first to make sure it is not thirst.

In addition to helping you lose weight, there is a lot scientific evidence that fasting between meals can even make you live longer and boost your immune system. Studies with lab animals, like mice, when given a calorie restricted diet, showed they lived 50% longer. We don’t know if it applies to humans, but the data suggests it might.

Finally, you need to eat healthy. However, it is fine to include some of your favorite desserts and snacks in moderation as long as you stay under your target daily calories. Healthy foods like fruits and veggies are naturally low in calorie, so you can consume more of them to help you feel more satisfied. For example, if you just ate donuts, you might hit your calorie target after only 3-4 of them for the entire day. If you really want a donut, you should have one, but just one. “One and done” should be your weight loss motto when it comes to snacks. After the first few bites of anything, you brain no longer really craves it as much. When you do eat something you really enjoy, be sure to do it mindfully. Savor each bite and eat slowly. For example, you might have a big cup of coffee with a half donut and focus on drinking coffee too. Make each meal special. This will make a smaller amount of a dessert feel just as good as eating a big amount.

Lots of whole grains and beans are good for fiber and to keep you regular. Yogurt is great for calcium and tastes awesome. Nuts are healthy, but watch the calories. Butter is okay in moderation. We also suggest eating a diet that does not include too much red meat and to focus more on healthy fish. These foods when prepared well taste delicious, so you will want to eat more of them. As with everything, be sure to track calories to keep your target. Even healthy foods can make you overweight if you eat too much.

You must weigh yourself often. Don’t go more than 3 days without checking your weight. If you are losing weight it will feel great. If you put on some weight, you will catch it early and can make modifications, such as cutting back on higher calories snacks. Don’t wait until you are many pounds heavier to make corrections, since it can become much harder to get back on track.

The Trick To Getting Things Done And Being More Productive

We all want to accomplish things. What stops most of us is not motivation, but a lack of discipline to get things done. This can be a major obstacle in achieving your life goals. We are going to offer some great tips to help you get things done.

Stop Procrastinating and Begin Chipping Away

Chipping Away At Things Can Allow You To Accomplish Huge Tasks You Never Thought Possible

Think about the great pyramids in Egypt. Do you think they just built them overnight? They took decades of work. One of the greatest accomplishments ever was done using our mantra of chipping away (literally in this case).

You may feel stuck in a project and not know what to do next. This often leads to putting it off for a while. These things can drag on and eventually you never complete your goal.

Just do something. If you are about to write that great novel and don’t know where to begin, just start writing random words and sentences. If you want to learn something new, but it seems very difficult, you can begin by reading the first couple sentences of a book. Don’t feel guilty if you did not get much done. 1% of something is that much closer to your goals compared to doing nothing. Do you want to get more fit? Just do a little activity each day, but be consistent. How about weight loss? Again, you just keep at it.

Many great achievers use this method without even being aware they are doing it. Nobody knows all the answers, but some people seem to find them better than answers. Often, their “secret” is not much of a secret. They just keep chipping away each day. Some days are more productive than others, but they never get discouraged. It is that type of personality that separates people who achieve great things compared to most people.

Are you ready to start that next big thing? Just start chipping away. It will happen, but only if you start!

The Trick To Making Perfect Microwave Popcorn

We all love popcorn. It tastes great and is healthy too, as long as you don’t use too much oil and butter. A serving of popcorn has about 4 grams of fiber and is only 30 calories per cup. We are going to tell you how to make the best microwave popcorn.

Don’t use store bought microwave popcorn packages. You can make it better yourself and it will be a lot healthier and cheaper too. They tend to over salt the store brands and add all sorts of nasty artificial flavors you don’t want in your body. All you need is a microwave-safe glass bowl, a plate, salt, and some oil. However, there is a trick to making it taste amazing.

You first need to make popcorn salt. Put a few tablespoons of salt in a spice grinder. You can also use a blade coffee grinder. Keep grinding until the salt becomes powdery. You can store it in a small glass jar with a lid on it. Throw in a few popcorn kernels so you can shake up the jar in case the salt is clumping together. The powdered salt sticks much better to the popcorn and is important.

Next, get a large glass bowl. It should be big enough to hold your popcorn after it is popped. A 2 to 4 quart bowl should be good enough, but use a larger one if you make more popcorn.

Measure out some popcorn kernels (about 2 ounces, or 56 grams is good for 1-2 people). Any brand is fine, but you may find you like certain ones better. The popcorn can’t be too old or the kernels won’t pop well and you will be left with a lot of “old maids”. If you have any extra dry-pack silica gel desiccants (the ones that say “don’t eat”), throw it in your popcorn jar to keep the kernels from getting too much moisture. You can buy them, but many products have them, so just save them for later.

Next, add some oil to your popcorn. A teaspoon is good, but if you want lower calorie popcorn, you can use less. We like canola oil, but any type of oil is good. However, don’t use olive oil, since it can burn at a low temperature. You now want to add some of the powdered popcorn salt you made. 1/4 teaspoon per serving is good, but adjust it to your preference. You can always add more salt later. Use a spoon and mix well.

Cover the bowl with a large piece of saran wrap and secure it to the sides of the bowl. Next, use a sharp knife and gently put 8 holes in the saran wrap around the bowl. This will keep the popcorn from popping out and also let out excess steam.

Set your microwave to high power. Set the timer to about 8 minutes. If you are making more popcorn it might take more time. Longer is better, since you will be manually stopping the microwave when it is ready. After a few minutes the popcorn will start popping. Keep your eyes and ears open. Let it continue to run until the popping slows down to about 1 pop ever 2-3 seconds. Once that happens you are ready to remove the popcorn.

IMPORTANT: The popcorn will be very hot. You must use oven mittens or a big thick kitchen towel when removing it. Put the popcorn down on a table. DO NOT REMOVE THE SARAN WRAP WITHOUT PROTECTION. The steam is hot enough to cause serious skin burns.

You can now eat the popcorn right out of the bowl which keeps it warm for a long time. Add more popcorn salt if needed. If you want to indulge a bit, you can also add a little melted salted butter, but this popcorn tastes so good you might not even need it. If you want to control calories, but still want butter flavor, try melting some in a small cup and dip your kernels in it before eating. Having your butter on the side is a great way to cut extra calories while enjoying buttered popcorn. You can also use commercial butter spray, but we like real butter the best.

You now know the secret to making amazing tasting popcorn at home that is inexpensive and healthy.

The Trick To Achieving Any Goal And Becoming Successful

We all want to be successful. Without a doubt, hard work is needed to achieve your goals. The main obstacle that keeps most people from achieving their goals in life is a lack of motivation. It is easy to stay motivated for a few days when starting a new project, or even several weeks. However, big goals in life usually take months, or often years to complete.

We are about to reveal the trick to achieving any goal. This simple method works for anything, including weight loss goals, getting a degree, fitness goals, business achievements, etc. Further, the method has been proven to work by top researchers at places like Harvard University.

Micro Rewards

The secret is simple. Micro rewards. It is the same method pet trainers use to teach a dog how to do a new trick. When the pet does something close to the reward, we give them a small treat. This rewards the brain and motivates the pet to keep doing the same positive action. For example, if you want a dog to give you its paw on command, you give a small treat whenever they do it. However, at first they may get a reward just for moving their paw slightly. As thing progress, they will eventually only be rewarded when they shake their paw and achieve the goal.

Humans are no different. The key is to break the task up to smaller items and give yourself a reward whenever you do it. For example, suppose you have a goal to lose 20 pounds. You would first set a small micro goal, such as losing 1 pound. When you meet this goal, give yourself a reward. The reward could be watching a movie you wanted to see, dining out, or eating one of your favorite snacks. The rewards don’t have to be elaborate, but you must be consistent and always given them to yourself. This trains the brain to want to continue to lose weight.

Each “treat” you give yourself generates special brain chemicals (dopamine) that motivates you to keep going. It is very powerful and causes addictions when the goal is a negative one, like taking drugs. Of course, you will be making your “addiction” a positive goal, such as losing weight, staying fit, or getting a degree.

You now know one of the most valuable secrets to achieving success in life. Dream big, but break things up into small tasks with plenty of micro rewards to keep you motivated.