The Trick To Testing Personality With Playing Cards

This personality test is done with an ordinary deck of playing cards.

It is interesting to learn about the personality traits of the people we know. One of the ways to do this is by asking questions such as, “Are you ambitious or do you like to be around people?” The answers given may not be accurate because the person you ask may want to be thought of in a certain way, that is not their real personality. This is why  non verbal tests are used.

Here is how the test is done. From an ordinary deck of cards select twelve cads. These will be put into 3 face up groups of 4 cards each, so the person taking the test can see all the cards at the same time . The first group will have Jack, Queen and 2 Kings. The second group will have 8,9 9, 10 and the third group will have 2,3,3,4. Try to get an equal number of red and black cards in each group. You then ask the subject to point to the group they feel most like themselves.

If the subject picks the group with the Jack, Queen and Kings it indicates they have a desire for wealthy, fancy, upper class living and activities. From this test alone you cannot determine whether or not they have the ambition to get what they desire.

If the subject selects the group the has the 8,9,9,10 it demonstrates they do not dream of great wealth as the first group mentioned but with to be comfortable moneywise and would not be satisfied if they were poor.

If the subject picks the the playing card group 2,3,3,4 it indicates a preference for low numbers which also tends to mean things and possessions of low value. Possibly because they are less troublesome than things of high value. This person has no lofty desires and is satisfied with less.